Welcome to English section of the NGO Defence for Children International - Czech section. Below you can find the basic information about DCI CZ. You can find brief description of the organization itself, the international organization, introduction of the board, some basic information about main projects and of course contacts.
If you are interested in more details, please, contact us!
We will be more than happy to provide you as much information as we can!
Our non-governmental organisation of children rights’ defenders focuses mainly on children rights according to the UN Convention of the Rights of the Child. As a part of a world-wide organization Defence for Children International DCI CZ is also member of NGO Group for Convention on the Rights of the Child. We closely cooperate with the Commission for children rights UN and DCI coordinates the creation of supplemental reports of the NGOs in the Czech Republic for the Commission for Children Rights UN. Since 2016 we have also been a member of an international network EuroChild.
Since the year 1990 DCI CZ has been organising national seminars in the Czech Parliament about the Convention and its observance in the Czech Republic. Many recommendations and suggestions for state organs have come from these sessions also as petitions of the participants. Most of the materials from the seminars have been printed and spread to various NGOs and state institutes. As an advisory institutionDCI cooperates with ministries during the preparatory phase of new legislation.
DCI also with the support of the state institutes and NGO foundations has published 2 publicationscontaining the Convention with the documents from the General Assembly UN about children.
We also focus on children’s and youth participationand participative rights – especially their rights in formal and non-formal education systems. We work closely together with the national network of children’s and youth parliaments and with the youth association Duha (Rainbow) which is a member of CRDM. Duha is a partner organisation of SCI.
The various activities of DCI are based on volunteers. We do not have any paid workers nor representative space for our organization. The activities of our members are spread to the working groups as we want to focus on more themes. As a result of cooperation with other NGOs in 1997 the Coalition of NGOs was created.
Structure of DCI CZ
The structure of the Czech section of DCI is divided into 3 categories: General Assembly, Executive Board and working groups.
The General assembly meets once in two years and elects the executive board and also decides about important decisions of organization (activity plan for next period, total amount of memeber fees etc.)
The executive board conducts the organization and it has members elected by the general assembly. The executive board is responsible fot the realization of the plans and programme.
Working groups are the independent parts of the organization but it has the obligation to regularly inform the executive board about its functioning. The working group has to have at least 2 members. The working groups carry out concrete tasks which lead to fulfil the aims of the organization. Currently these working groups exist:
Education and leisure activities
Social and health field
Shortly, you can find basic up-to-date information about our organization in our short infographics - you can download it here.
You can download our Statutes here.
Defence for Children International (DCI) is an independent non-governmental organisation that has been promoting and protecting children’s rights on a global, regional, national and local level for more than 30 years. DCI is represented through its national sections and associated members in 40 countries worldwide. Its International Secretariat is based in Geneva, Switzerland. The DCI movement was founded in 1979, the International Year of the Child, at a time when few international structures were dedicated to a rights-based approach in addressing the many challenges facing the world’s children.
DCI was at the forefront in the drafting process and international lobby for the adoption of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, and its work continues to be embedded in these fundamental principles.
This highlights DCI’s historical role as a leading advocate for the adoption of the Convention and one of the first organisations to work from the concept of children’s human rights.
If you want to read more about this organization, please visit their websites: www.defenceforchildren.org
News about us in DCI International Global News here:

Executive board of Czech DCI deals with agenda concerning functioning of the whole organization. Main topics are coordination of the working groups, fundraising and preparing conferences, seminars and other projects.
RNDr. Miroslav Prokeš
Deputy Chairperson
MUDr. Markéta Fialová
Bc. Jana Šotolová (Treasurer)
PhDr. Otakar Jíra (Auditor)
PhDr. Eva Slánská
Kamil Černý
Isabel Goldbergerová
Sebastian Smith Sokol

Conferences of DCI CZ
Since the year 1990, DCI CZ has been organizing annual national conferences about the Convention and its observance in the Czech Republic. Many recommendations and suggestions for state authorities have come from them, also as petitions of the participants. Most of the materials from the conferences have been printed and spread to various NGOs and state institutions.
Download the latest conclusions from the 22nd DCI seminar which was held on the 8th of March 2018. Download here!
Or download conclusions from the 21st DCI of the year 2016. Download here!

Alternative reports
One of the main activities of the Czech section of DCI in cooperation with the Alliance of NGOs is to report the implementation of the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) to the Committee for the Rights of the Child in Geneva. DCI CZ puts together initiatives, opinions, documents and also the conclusions of its conferences in compiling the alternative reports. It also translates all the texts to English. Thanks for the financial support from the Nadace Naše dítě (Foundation Our Child)!
If you are interested in cooperation, sending contributions for next alternative reports, feel free to contact us!
Here you can download our last alternative reports to the UN CRC Committee in English:
The abstract of the alternative report 2000-2010 (.pdf)
Third and fourth report about implementation of the Convention - national report (.pdf)
UN recommendations to the third and fourth reports (.pdf)
UN recommedations to the fifth and sixth reports (.pdf)
NGO Group for the CRC (Child Rights Connect) wrote down the minutes from the hearing in Geneva, you can download them here.

Alliance of NGOs (ANO)
Alliance of the NGOs monitors the status of the child in the Czech society. NGOs work together in one coalition to be stronger and more systematic in advocating, monitoring and lobbying for the implementation of the Convention on the Rights of the Child in the Czech Republic. NGOs in the coalition support each other in these efforts. They also exchange own experience in the field of the Convention not only at the annual DCI conference but also at expert meetings or in the working groups.
The Czech section of DCI was the initiator of the Alliance. DCI CZ tries to keep contacts among members and with the international group of NGOs.
Members of the Alliance of the NGOs concluded a contract to confirm their membership.

Grundtvig projects
In the years 2009 – 2013, Defence for Children Internation - Czech section coordinated two international Grundtvig projects, which were focused on volunteering from different perspectives. The first one was called Fifty Up: it was focused on the exchange of volunteers aged 50+ between Czechia and Ireland. The second project was called Volunteering to Enhance Employability: together with the Irish NGO VSI and the Finnish NGO Treshold we coordinated several workshops on possibilities to enhance volunteering. For more information, you can visit websites of both projects: www.fiftyup.eu and www.volunteer-employability.eu

Child-Friendly Justice
The Guidelines of the Committee of Ministers to the Council of Europe member States of 17 November 2010 defined the Child-Friendly Justice. In paragraph E.3, "child-friendly justice" shall be defined as judicial systems guaranteeing the observance and effective implementation of all children's rights at the highest achievable level, taking into account the principles set out below and having due regard to the level of the child and its ability to understand the situation and circumstances of the case. This means, in particular, justice, which is accessible, age-appropriate, swift, consistent, adapted to the needs and rights of the child and to his or her needs and rights, respecting the rights of the Child, including the rights to a proper trial, participation in and understanding of the proceedings, respect for private and family life and on inviolability and dignity.
You can download our national report from this international project here.
support us!
If you like our activities, feel free and support us. You can send us contribution to the account:
IBAN: CZ4720100000002700523960, BIC/SWIFT: FIOBCZPP
If you are interested in cooperation (maybe on some international project), do not hesitate to contact us: dci.praha@seznam.cz
All members volunteer in our organization in their free time without any salary.
If you are interested in joining us, you are more than welcome!

defence for children interantional - czech section
Number of our bank account:
IBAN: CZ4720100000002700523960
Mailing address:
DCI Czech Section - Spolek zastánců dětských práv ČR
Senovážné nám. 24
CZ - 110 00 Praha 1
Mobile phone: +420 603 438 822
E-mail: dci.praha@seznam.cz
Leave us a message!